Tips to Improve Your RV Kitchen Storing Capacity

Whether you're an enthusiast or first-time RVers, you always plan and prepare for the road ahead. Aside from performing all pre-departure checks, we also need to ready our sustenance for the entire adventure. But, the tricky part is, you only have a tiny space in your kitchen to store everything you need.

Working with limited spaces is a common frustration among RV-goers. Some owners even take the extent of remodeling their kitchen to fit all the things they need. That's fine is you have the time to do so, but assuming your trip is scheduled tomorrow, is there anything you can do to fit everything in your tiny RV kitchen set-up?

The answer is: YES!

In this article, we'll tackle some of the practical ways you can apply in storing all your kitchen needs for the trip.

Planning Your Meals Ahead

This right here should go without saying -- we all look forward to a good meal while we're in the backcountry. But, planning your meals doesn't mean just buying a truckload of food and snacks to keep you sustained throughout the trip. It's more like thinking through what meal you plan to eat beforehand.

Meal planning is crucial to managing your RV kitchen's space effectively, since you're only buying and storing the things you'll need to cook the recipe. Whether it's for a few days or a week-long trip, all your meals should be sorted by meal plan to avoid overcrowding in your tiny RV kitchen, lessen food waste, and save money (eliminate impulse buying).

Also, it is best advised to include simple recipes like one-pot meals in your meal planning. That's because it's an all-in-one preparation that does not require a lot of cookware to cook. There are tons of one-pot recipes you can find online, just remember to "keep it simple."

Storing Efficiently

Storing food in your RV kitchen follows the same rule our moms used to say: organize and stack accordingly. The difference, however, you have limited space to work with, so you might have to tweak a little bit to store everything.

Here are some tips to help you store items efficiently:

  • Start by removing food from its original packaging and transfer them to an airtight square canister. Packaging like cereal boxes can take a lot of space. You must remove them as much as possible.
  • Make use of stackable containers or storing bags for perishable or frozen items before stacking them inside the refrigerator. Plastic containers used in grocery stores consume spaces that you can a lot to other things like water bottles, etc.
  • Take advantage of using storage bins for your canned goods and other dry stuff, and place them in your RV shelves.
  • Fruit Hammocks are also effective to limit the space consumed by fruit baskets.

Additional Shelves

Most RV pantries stand at least five feet tall, with only two shelves to store items. If you try to think about it, that's a lot of space to stow. However, you can't keep stacking items in it because it could either get damaged or fall out.

The best way to maximize shelve spaces is by the use of stackable and expandable organizers. Or, if you're quite a handyman, attach additional shelves to maximize space. By this, you are cleverly using all available spaces.

Other Kitchen Accessories

Kitchen accessories like food dispensers, magnetic spice holders, under-shelf baskets, among others, can further improve your RV kitchen's storing capacity. Most of these accessories make use of magnets for easy installation and service. And taking advantage of these inventions can save up a lot of space.

Wrapping it All Up

If you're worried about your RV's limited capacity in storing items, don't panic. It's ok to be overwhelmed sometimes, especially if it's your first-time stacking items in a non-conventional kitchen. All you need to do is take time and plan things through. You'll be surprised by how much stuff you can fit in your tiny RV kitchen.

Carla Arbuckle
Carla Arbuckle

Carla is a staff writer for and She is an avid outdoors enthusiast and photographer. She can be found most weekends fishing and exploring the wilderness.