Arbor Lodge State Park

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2600 Arbor Ave
Nebraska City, NE 68410


(402) 873-7222

About Arbor Lodge State Park

This magnificent mansion has grown to 52 rooms after several conversions, and the beautiful Nebraska City property is now home to a state park and museum.

Each room is furnished with authentic furniture, and the exhibition captures the life and times of an extraordinary man. The carriage house houses a collection of antique carriages and their carriage house. Picnicking is allowed on site, but you need to be aware of the beautifully landscaped grounds and ascending gardens, as well as the beautiful views of Lake Michigan, the Great Plains and Nebraska City.

A cider factory and other old crafts are offered, and the collection also includes an Overland stage, which Carl Morton acquired. A gently curved brick walkway leads visitors to another level of cool, shady gardens. Highlights include a beautiful rose bed, a large garden with a variety of plants and trees, and an old barn and barn - like barn.

The Greek goddess Daphne, who according to legend was transformed into a laurel tree by her father to save her from the persecution of Apollo. In the foreground is a bronze statue of her in the shape of a tree, and in front of it a large bronze sculpture of President Cleveland, which inaugurates the first US Capitol in Washington, D.C., built in 1905.

A typical example of the settlers "early homes were bees, and the stock was replanted to Pine Grove, which Morton planted to prove to Governor Furnas that white pines would indeed grow in Nebraska.

The arboretum, which covers the entire 65 hectares of park, includes over 250 different species of trees and shrubs. The property houses the largest collection of pine trees in the state, each in the shape of a trunk that has been knocked down at the top. A dense coniferous carpet and cool shade make it a popular place for visitors.

Walk to the entrance to the park, leave 2nd Avenue and continue onto Highway 2, then leave the street and walk on the north side of Highway 2 until you reach the entrance to the Arboretum.

Walk to the entrance of the park, follow 2nd Avenue and connect with it, go east on the highway and walk to another park. Walk to a parking lot on the south side of Highway 2 and the entrance to the Arboretum, then through this park and back to 3rd Avenue.

Take I-29 South at Nebraska City Exit and take the Beltway around to Nebraska City Exit. Head south on Highway 2 until the Missouri River Bridge becomes the J. Sterling Morton Beltline and then south on Interstate 29, south of the Omaha exit.

Go to the entrance to the park and turn right onto 2nd Avenue and go north on it, then turn left onto 3rd Avenue to go south on the Beltway and then west on Interstate 29.


What is the phone number for Arbor Lodge State Park?

The phone number for Arbor Lodge State Park is (402) 873-7222.

Where is Arbor Lodge State Park located?

Arbor Lodge State Park is located at 2600 Arbor Ave , Nebraska City, NE 68410

What is the internet address for Arbor Lodge State Park?

The website (URL) for Arbor Lodge State Park is

What is the latitude and longitude of Arbor Lodge State Park?

You can use Latitude: 40.68154170 Longitude: -95.87482180 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Arbor Lodge State Park?

You can contact Arbor Lodge State Park at (402) 873-7222.

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Hours of Operation

11:00 AM 5:00 PM
11:00 AM 5:00 PM
11:00 AM 5:00 PM
11:00 AM 5:00 PM
11:00 AM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
11:00 AM 5:00 PM



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