Mark Twain State Park

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37352 Shrine Rd
Florida, MO 65283


(573) 565-3440

About Mark Twain State Park

Samuel Clemens, later called Mark Twain, was born in 1812 in a rented cabin in the small town of St. Paul, Minnesota. Today, the house is home to a museum, a public library and a monument to the author and humorist. In honor of Twain's 50th birthday, the state of Minnesota and its surrounding area are paying homage to him by creating a new park.

The museum shows the two-bedroom house where he was born and a public reading room, which is available for personal study and research. The museum shows exhibits from Twain's life and work, such as letters, photographs and photographs.

Museum visitors, as well as the public library and the Mark Twain Museum and Library, will be charged a small admission fee.

The 2,775-acre State Park, which features a red granite monument marking the original location of the cottages in the Florida village, is surrounded by historic sites that offer picnic areas and houses the Mark Twain Museum and Library, as well as a number of other attractions. Take I-70 westbound at Exit 210B between Wentzville and Hannibal and the journey takes about two - and - a - half an hour depending on traffic.

The highway will take you about two miles to Curryville, then turn left back onto the highway and follow it to Route U, which you will turn east on Route U. Turn left and go to Jefferson City for about an hour - and - half an hour - to take a ride. Then take the 2 mile walk to the Mark Twain Museum and the library on the edge of the park.

The journey takes about four hours and is about 100 miles from Springfield. So drive north on US highways, turn right onto Route U and follow it for about two miles to the Mark Twain Museum and Library. Then take the 2. 5 mile walk back onto the highway to Curryville, turn east on Route U, follow this for another 2 miles and turn left on Route D.

If you are in Kansas City, you can visit the Mark Twain Museum and Library in the west of the city, about half a mile from the park.

Travel east on I-70 for 126 miles, turn left northbound on US Highway Columbia and then turn right on Route U, which you will leave at the intersection of Interstate 70 and Interstate 35. Turn left on US Highway Columbia and follow it for approximately one and a half miles to the entrance of Mark Twain State Park. Then turn east from RouteU and turn right on Interstate 40 and then right on Interstate 44 and go east on I-70 for another 126 miles.


What is the phone number for Mark Twain State Park?

The phone number for Mark Twain State Park is (573) 565-3440.

Where is Mark Twain State Park located?

Mark Twain State Park is located at 37352 Shrine Rd , Florida, MO 65283

What is the internet address for Mark Twain State Park?

The website (URL) for Mark Twain State Park is

What is the latitude and longitude of Mark Twain State Park?

You can use Latitude: 39.48835020 Longitude: -91.78568630 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Mark Twain State Park?

You can contact Mark Twain State Park at (573) 565-3440.

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