Makoshika State Park

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1301 Snyder St
Glendive, MT 59330


(406) 377-6256

About Makoshika State Park

The name is a Lakota phrase that means "evil land" or "evil spirit," and the skull is located in the visitor center at the entrance to the park. Today, the Makoshika Badlands are reserved for visitors to see and enjoy, but the remains are still housed in a juniper landscape - a covered badland.

The largest of the Montana State Parks covers 11,531 acres at an altitude of 2,069 feet. The park offers a variety of hiking, biking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, canoeing and other activities.

The park offers a variety of hiking, biking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, canoeing and other activities, as well as a golf course and museum in Glendive. It offers hiking trails, picnic areas, vaulted cabins, a campsite and a museum with a collection of artifacts.

Water is only available from May to September, but from June to October visitors can camp in the park, from July to August for a maximum of three days a week.

Makoshika State Park is located 1 km southeast of Glendive, on the north side of I-94, south of the town of Makoshiki. Take the I / 94 Glendsive exit and follow signs for 2-3 miles to towns near Makoschika State Park.


What is the phone number for Makoshika State Park?

The phone number for Makoshika State Park is (406) 377-6256.

Where is Makoshika State Park located?

Makoshika State Park is located at 1301 Snyder St , Glendive, MT 59330

What is the internet address for Makoshika State Park?

The website (URL) for Makoshika State Park is

What is the latitude and longitude of Makoshika State Park?

You can use Latitude: 47.09041350 Longitude: -104.71038510 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Makoshika State Park?

You can contact Makoshika State Park at (406) 377-6256.

Makoshika State Park Reviews

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Hours of Operation

10:00 AM 12:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM
1:00 AM 4:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM



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