Evansburg State Park

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851 Mayhall Rd
Collegeville, PA 19426


(610) 409-1150

About Evansburg State Park

Evansburg State Park is located in central Montgomery County in the south between Norristown and Collegeville. Evansburg offers picturesque views of the Ohio River and its tributaries, as well as a wide variety of wildlife. The narrow valley was first inhabited and built by Mennonites who also used water skippers for their industry. Over time, the land was divided into ridges and valleys, creating a sense of enclosure and a picturesque view.

The park is a reminder of early American life and is still dominated by the Mennonites and their religious beliefs, as well as the history of the Ohio River Valley. Today, it is a major tourist attraction that attracts day-trippers from Montgomery County and Philadelphia. People come from as far away as New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Early morning and evening hours are the best time to see deer, rabbits and other wildlife. Evansburg State Park is wooded and open to the public for hiking, camping, picnicking, fishing and hiking.

The following parking regulations to protect parking resources: Poison, phones and fires are widespread in the park, and poison and telephone fires can cause serious health problems.
When William Penn bought part of his American province, now called Evansburg State Park, in 1684, the residents lived in the Unami Lenni Lenape, a nation from Delaware.

Penn said the area was rebuilt soon after and Skippack Pike was built in 1714 to provide access to the Philadelphia market. The first bridge over the Delaware River in Evansburg State Park is the oldest bridge in continuous operation. It has been heavily used and built since 1792, but it is the only one of its kind in the United States.

The Skippack Valley remained an agricultural economy in the first half of the 20th century, but after the Second World War the pace of change accelerated.

Urbanization threatened much of the landscape, putting the region's rural charm at risk. The background to this study is the planning of Evansburg State Park.

The first was the Tripartite Commission, which established the location in 1933, and in 1962 the State Planning Office designated Evansburg as an area to be acquired under the National Planning Program for the Development of the City. In the late 1960s, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the State of Indiana financed the first phase of development of a state park in the area. The plan for this first phase was approved by the Indiana State Board of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (ISRNR) in 1975.

Today, Evansburg State Park in Montgomery County serves as a buffer against a highly developed area and preserves a significant area of unspoiled natural beauty. While the community around the park continues to grow and grow, the parks continue to provide a place for recreation, education and outdoor solitude. The resources needed to develop the state park, which was officially opened to the public on June 28, 1979, were provided by the Indiana State Board of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (ISRNR).

For more information on booking golf trips, call the golf concession at 610 - 584 - 4226 or call Evansburg State Park at (888) 586 - 689 - 8477.

The park is located in the southern part of Evansburg State Park, just north of the city of Evansburg. Visitors can enjoy the tranquil surroundings of Skippack Creek and participate in a variety of activities including hiking, camping, picnicking and fishing. The picnic areas are located on May Hall Road, and an additional picnic area is located on Lewis Road in the northern part of the park.

Although not reserved, the picnic pavilions are free of charge, according to the motto "first - come, first served." For reservations, please call 888 - PA - PARKS for more information about the park's picnic areas and other activities.

Most routes are easy to manage on foot, with sections of medium difficulty, and some of them are a little more challenging.

Bicycles are allowed on paved roads, which are open to traffic but are prohibited on hiking and horse riding trails in the park. Remember that the Highway Code also applies to bikes, and remember that you can reach the top of the hill on the west side of Evansburg State Park from the hiking trail on Farnallee.

Environmental education and interpretative programs that examine a variety of ecological and ecological issues. Through activity-oriented programs that utilize the park's resources, participants gain a better understanding of fragile natural ecosystems.

Special programs can also be organized by scouts, churches, civic and private groups and can be purchased at the main entrance of the park, in the visitor center or in the visitor center in the parking lot.

The programs are available from March to November, and advanced planning for group programs requires prior knowledge of the park's activities and the specific needs of each group, as well as a good understanding of the park's rules and regulations.

The Evansburg State Park area is a rich tourist attraction, and some lucky travelers can drop by the land auction and visit one of the park's many attractions, such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. For more information, please contact the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (Indiana State Parks) at (502) 888-5555.

For more information about the Evansburg State Park area, please contact the Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau at (502) 888-5555. Nearby attractions include the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Indiana State Museum, as well as ski and snowboard trails, hiking and skiing trails.

From PA 73 / Germantown Pike to PA 363 to Collegeville and at the end of the parking lot to the entrance of Evansburg State Park. Take PA363 from Pa. 73 / GermantOWN Pike into the park and park the driveway from the intersection of Germantsown Road.

From Germantown Pike, take May Hall Road and park at the end of the parking lot to the entrance of Evansburg State Park.


What is the phone number for Evansburg State Park?

The phone number for Evansburg State Park is (610) 409-1150.

Where is Evansburg State Park located?

Evansburg State Park is located at 851 Mayhall Rd , Collegeville, PA 19426

What is the internet address for Evansburg State Park?

The website (URL) for Evansburg State Park is http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/findapark/evansburg/index.htm

What is the latitude and longitude of Evansburg State Park?

You can use Latitude: 40.20067890 Longitude: -75.40402050 coordinates in your GPS.

Is there a key contact at Evansburg State Park?

You can contact Evansburg State Park at (610) 409-1150.

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